Department of Information and Communication Engineering

The Department of Information and Communication Engineering aims to develop advanced professionals in areas such as communication and network technology, computer vision, and big data driven by artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The department offers a curriculum in 1) communications /networks, including next-generation wired and wireless communications/networks, 2) information processing/computer vision/software that can building and utilizing AI-based internet and multimedia information, and 3) systems such as communication circuits/semiconductor design.
career after graduation
Information and communication technology (ICT) is integral to modern society, enabling graduates to play essential roles across various industries. Common career paths include:
1. Telecommunications and Networks: Telecommunications Engineers, Network Administrators, Network Security Specialists
2. Software Development and Programming: Software Engineer, Web Developer, DevOps Engineer
3. Information processing and data analysis: Big data experts, data scientists, data engineers
4. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: AI Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer, Computer Vision Engineer
5. Multimedia and digital content: Multimedia content developers, game developers, UI/UX developers
6. Other career paths: IT consultant, system engineer, researcher (university, research institute, corporate research institute)